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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 34, Issue 2, pp. 257-509

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The Lifshitz--Slyozov--Wagner Equation with Conserved Total Volume

Philippe Laurençot

pp. 257-272

Asymptotic Behavior of a One-Dimensional Compressible Viscous Gas with Free Boundary

Tao Pan, Hongxia Liu, and Kenji Nishihara

pp. 273-291

Effects of Certain Degeneracies in the Predator-Prey Model

E. N. Dancer and Yihong Du

pp. 292-314

Existence of Solutions and a Quasi-Stationary Limit for a Hyperbolic System Describing Ferromagnetism

Frank Jochmann

pp. 315-340

The 2-Dimensional Riemann Problem for a 2 × 2 Hyperbolic Conservation Law I. Isotropic Media

Woonjae Hwang and W. Brent Lindquist

pp. 341-358

The 2-Dimensional Riemann Problem for a 2 × 2 Hyperbolic Conservation Law II. Anisotropic Media

Woonjae Hwang and W. Brent Lindquist

pp. 359-384

Error of the Network Approximation for Densely Packed Composites with Irregular Geometry

Leonid Berlyand and Alexei Novikov

pp. 385-408

Phase-Field Models with Hysteresis in One-Dimensional Thermoviscoplasticity

Pavel Krejcí, Jürgen Sprekels, and Ulisse Stefanelli

pp. 409-434

On the Initial Value Problem for the One Dimensional Quasi-Linear Schrödinger Equations

Wee Keong Lim and Gustavo Ponce

pp. 435-459

A Duality Approach for the Boundary Variation of Neumann Problems

Dorin Bucur and Nicolas Varchon

pp. 460-477

Nonlinear Stability in Lp for a Confined System of Charged Particles

María J. Cáceres, José A. Carrillo, and Jean Dolbeault

pp. 478-494

Local Stress Regularity in Scalar Nonconvex Variational Problems

Carsten Carstensen and Stefan Müller

pp. 495-509